Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy New Year You all!

My New Year's resolution is to be a better person and to learn a lot more of everything. What is your New Year resolution? I would sure like to know what it is so I can harass you if you don't work on it. How does that sound to you? Well I think it is just fine. So There. I also want to learn how to do things on the pc, the iPod, email and other things on the new fangeldangle things so I might become updated on those things that a lot of us older people are out of date on. I am still working on hydrogen and learning and reading a book about "Alcohol Can Be a Gas" Too. I am still working on our genealogy too. It is very interesting but I need to learn a lot more so I can make some new connections and prove some things. Let me know what you are doing, I will answer you back and maybe grandma will say something too. Bye and do write and let me know what you are doing.