Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy New Year You all!

My New Year's resolution is to be a better person and to learn a lot more of everything. What is your New Year resolution? I would sure like to know what it is so I can harass you if you don't work on it. How does that sound to you? Well I think it is just fine. So There. I also want to learn how to do things on the pc, the iPod, email and other things on the new fangeldangle things so I might become updated on those things that a lot of us older people are out of date on. I am still working on hydrogen and learning and reading a book about "Alcohol Can Be a Gas" Too. I am still working on our genealogy too. It is very interesting but I need to learn a lot more so I can make some new connections and prove some things. Let me know what you are doing, I will answer you back and maybe grandma will say something too. Bye and do write and let me know what you are doing.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rudolf Steiner College

Do you know who just got her certificate from the Rudolf Steiner College in Fair Oaks, California? If you find out, let me know. Love Grandma and Pa Landers. See ya!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Who is Lilah Lucille Landers?

Did you know she was an aircraft engineer for Northrup Aircraft during the 2nd World War? She worked on the XB35 flying wing. If you would like to know about that flying wing and what it looks like go to the internet and check it out.

That's all for now until I hear from you guys. Have a good day and I will tell you some more. Is this lady related to you? If so, how is she related to you? Let me know when you find out. Bye! Gramps.

We are hi-tech now!

Grandma does not know that I am setting up this blog. In the future maybe she will get interested in the computer and do some writing to you. So you will have to write to her so she will get started or get interested in blogging to you. Maybe Grandma will send you one of her famous recipes if you will ask her. You can e-mail us at or you could post a comment. Please write us soon. Love, Martin